To make a booking with Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre, please follow the steps below:
Step 1
Check curriculum relevance
Refer to your current curriculum program to see if there is a particular program topic that Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre offers that would suit your needs.
2018 Programs
Preps to Year 2, Years 3 to 6, Years 7 to 12
Step 2
Expression of interest (EOI)
All fields must be completed for the EOI form to be processed by centre staff. This will be emailed to your school using the contact details from your school website. If you have any queries during this process, please
contact us for clarification.
EOIs will only be accepted in writing - return via email. This application is not a guarantee of a booking.
On the EOI form please indicate three alternative dates and identify days in the week that are to be avoided. We endeavour to satisfy our client's choice, however we can't guarantee these days. Some programs such as Rocky Platform Studies need low tide days for access.
Step 3
Once the dates have been planned, a confirmation email will be sent to successful teachers. Teachers that are not successful will be notified and placed on a waiting list in the event of a cancellation. On confirmation teachers will receive an Excursion Planning Pack to further assist with the planning of the excursion.
Step 4
Excursion planning pack, programs, topics and length
In your planning pack you will receive a checklist guideline, curriculum alignment planner and an excursion planner.
Step 5
There is an online evaluation to complete at end of your program. Your detailed comments would be greatly appreciated so that we can modify the program in accordance with your responses. These forms will be emailed at the end of each term. We do appreciate you completing and returning these forms to the centre within four weeks of the field visit.