
About us


Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre works in partnership with teachers, schools, advisers and the wider community to provide specialist environmental education programs, professional development, advice and resources that meet the ongoing curriculum needs of students.

At Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre we support your students in their learning in the following ways:

  • We offer learning opportunities for students from prep to year 12 and TAFE in line with relevant curriculum documents.
  • We travel throughout the Sunshine Coast region to deliver day and camp programs.
  • We provide exciting, enjoyable, challenging, first hand environmental experiences.
  • We provide clients with site specific, age specific risk management plans.

Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre operates out of the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary at Bli Bli on the Sunshine Coast. We deliver some programs onsite, however many of Sunshine Coast's Environmental Education Centre day programs are run at off-site locations around the region (depending on the school’s requirements).

The Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary is an excellent site for curriculum delivery particularly suited to water quality issues and mangrove ecosystems. However there are constraints due to heat and mosquito problems which determine that most site based programs occur here in Term 3.


Teachers must have acquired an expertise in teaching marine and coastal environments including littoral forests. Residentials at sites remote from the Sunshine Coast base are part of the Centre's functions so staff must be free to attend these programs outside of the region. Waterwatch, Integrated Catchment Management and Coastal Care are the focus of many program offerings and staff should show a deep knowledge of and commitment to these areas.  Current First Aid and CPR certification is essential. Accreditation in Canoe Instruction is highly desirable as are a number of other industry based units of competence. A thorough knowledge of Workplace Health and Safety as applied to risk management is essential.


Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre staff work with 7000 students each year. Year levels taught range from P-12 and TAFE (tertiary entrance). The majority of these students are from the Nambour and Mooloolaba Districts although students on Residentials in the Sunshine Coast area often access Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre for day programs. All Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre clients are from the State School sector.


Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre is located in buildings leased from the Maroochy Shire Council at the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary, Sports Road, Bli Bli. The facility is shared with a local support group and the Maroochy Council. Management is through an Advisory Committee of the three parties with meetings every two months.

Curriculum delivery

The Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary is an excellent site for curriculum delivery particularly suited to water quality issues and mangrove ecosystems. However there are constraints due to heat and mosquito problems which determine that most site based programs occur here in term 3.

Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre staff travel more than 20,000 km a year to more than 100 different sites in the Sunshine Coast region and beyond to deliver programs at venues which are appropriate, relevant and immediate to the client schools. More than 72% of Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre programs delivered are at sites other than the Wetland Sanctuary. Due to this breadth of delivery sites, staff must have an in depth knowledge of the Sunshine Coast environs and by necessity be most adept at site specific risk assessment and management. Increasingly, Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre is expanding on-campus program delivery.

Last reviewed 13 August 2021
Last updated 13 August 2021